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You're Invited: WayCAM's Open House

It's been some time since we had an open house, we hope you'll come join us to see everything WayCAM has to offer. Learn about our studio space, editing area, field equipment, and more!

Take a tour of our main studio space as well as our remote studios in the WHS Field House and Theater. We hope to see you there!

Recently at WayCAM

ESPN Anchor Randy Scott came in to the studio to speak with the WHS Sports Broadcast class about his journey in sports media.

WayCAM held it's first ever Documentary Premiere, showcasing the documentary Growing Through Covid-19, which was created by WHS Alum Genevieve Skehan.

WHS Alumni Parker Bryant paid the studio a surprise visit and sat down to speak with current students

about his time at WayCAM.

"The Private Jet Climate Threat" is just one of many programs recorded at the Wayland Library recently.

Events Coming Up:

The WHS Movie Festival takes place on May 9th. Stay tuned for more details!

Annual Town Meeting begins May 13th at WHS. Watch Live on WayCAM!

The WayCAM Studio is located at 268 Old Connecticut Path


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